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Latin American and Caribbean Center On Health Sciences Information
Pan American Health Organization | World Health Organization

VHL News Network

March 2006

Newsletter VHL 037 17/March/2006

ISSN 1809-6859

Director of Infomed emphasizes technical cooperation in the VHL context

Pedro Urra, Director of Infomed (National Center on Medical Science Information of Cuba), was at BIREME/PAHO/WHO, from February 21-26, 2006, and participated in meetings with the technical teams of the institution, in order to learn the most recent updates of the VHL model and its sources of information. Infomed participates in the Advisory Committee of VHL Cuba
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E-journals in the 21st century was the main theme of the meeting in Mexico

Aiming to promote a better understanding of the subject and to exchange ideas and experiences relating to new trends in scientific communication in information services after the development of electronic journals, the Dirección General de Bibliotecas (DGB) de la Universidad Autónoma de Estado de México (UAEM) organized the 10th Meeting on Academic and Research Journals, focusing on the subject “Electronic scientific journals in the 21st century: a review”. The meeting was held in February 23-24, 2006, during the Feria Internacional del Libro Palacio de Minería in Mexico City. The evolution of the SciELO Network with its model of quality scientific publishing in open access was addressed by Abel Packer, Director of BIREME/PAHO/WHO and Operation Coordinator of SciELO
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BIREME contributes to strengthening the Campus Virtual de Salud Pública in Havana

During February 19-25, 2006, Rogério de Costa, MTI manager, represented BIREME/PAHO/WHO in a meeting held in Havana, at the Escola Nacional de Salud Pública de Cuba. The purpose was to define the final terms of the strategic model to develop the Campus Virtual de Salud Publica [Virtual Campus in Public Health] (CVSP). Charles Godue, Area manager, and Manoel Vazquez, CVSP, Manager of Human Resources for Health, from PAHO, Washington, among other participants and specialists took part in the initiative coordinated by PAHO
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Canadian specialist visits BIREME and gives a lecture on the value of scientific evidence in decision-making processes

The books Parada Cardiorespiratória e Equilíbrio Ácido-base and Hidroelétrolítico written by physicians from the Universidade Federal de São Paulo (Unifesp), were indicated for the The Expanded Textbook and Instructional Materials Program (Paltex) which is coordinated by the Pan American Health Association (PAHO/WHO). The books should be part of the program as of March 2006
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BIREME participates in the Workshop of Health Research Priorities organized by DECIT/MS

The Workshop of Health Research Priorities - Thematic Research Projects Proposals 2006, was held in Brasilia, DF, Brazil, march 8-9, under the coordination of the Department of Science and Technology, Secretariat of Science, Technology and Strategic Inputs, and the Ministry of Health, Brazil. The objective of the workshop to develop the terms of reference for the 2006 Thematic Research Projects Proposals according to the National Agenda of Health Research Priorities in Brazil. BIREME/PAHO/WHO was represented by the coordinator of CCS, Regina Castro, and participates of the process on this context since 2003
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Congratulations to information professionals collaborating with BIREME, VHL, SciELO and ScienTI

On March 12th, Librarian’s Day was celebrated in Brazil. Knowledge and experience of librarians and information professionals is crucial for BIREME/PAHO/WHO to achieve its mission. BIREME takes this opportunity to pay homage to all professionals who worked or continue to work at the institution during its 39 years, by organizing and disseminating information on health in Latin American and Caribbean countries. See the accounts in this homage
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