BIREME/PAHO/WHO "has been closely connected with the history of PAHO, and of health, by mobilizing local and regional development policies and integrating Latin America". That is the conclusion in the article "A library without walls: a history of the creation of BIREME", which analyzes the establishment of BIREME and its evolution until the mid 1970's. Written by Márcia Regina Barros da Silva, Luis Ferla and Dante Marcello Claramonte Gallian, the article ends informing that "more recently, the creation of the VHL, in different subareas, shows the expansion process of issues regarding information as an unquestionable field of healthcare and scientific activities in general"
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The dream of recording all human knowledge published has become a real possibility with the advances of information technology and the booming of the Web. A universal library would be fully networked, and its contents would be digitally intertwined and published everywhere. Kevin Kelly, article writer of Wired Magazine and author of the famous book "Out of Control: The New Biology of Machines, Social Systems and the Economic World", published an article on The New York Times discussing the real possibility of having a universal digital library. In Latin America and the Caribbean, this possibility is made progressively more plausible by the VHL and SciELO networks, which enable us to envisage a near future where all sources of technical and scientific information will be operated online with open and universal access
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Brazilian Psychology through its national institutions, together with the VHL Psychology (VHL-Psy) supports the recommendations of the ICML9/CRICS7, as stated in the "Declaration of Salvador - Commitment to Equity" and the "Declaration of Salvador on Open Access: the perspective of developing countries", which call for a commitment to equitable access, and particularly to the international movement for Open Access to scientific information. Brazilian Psychology innovates and champions the recognition of and the option for open access to information and scientific knowledge in Psychology
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The demand for information and qualified human resources for activities relating to science, technology and innovation is increasingly higher in countries that pursue sustainable economic and social development. The Lattes Platform is the source of information on resumes of Brazilian researchers and has been a key part of the technology used by the ScienTI Network since 1999. The ScienTI Network was developed as an extension of the Lattes Platform and implemented in Latin American countries, Portugal and Mozambique through technical cooperation bi-national agreements between the Brazilian government and the network's member countries. The Executive Secretariat of the ScienTI Network is located at BIREME/PAHO/WHO and strives to promote the network development in participating countries, and its expansion into other interested countries such as the Caribbean countries
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The initiative Information Source Portal of the Instituto Moreira Salles (IMS) originated from the Institute wish to unify its bibliography, file, music and photography collections, making them available in an easy and efficient search and retrieval interface for its users. Informed about the VHL model developed and operated by BIREME/PAHO/WHO, the Institute became interested in using the same methodology. The Instituto Moreira Salles is a civil, not-for-profit organization, and its exclusive purpose is to promote and develop cultural programs
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LEYES is a database that includes bibliographic references on the basic legislation applicable to health issues in Latin American and English-speaking Caribbean countries, and is an index of compared legislation on health. LEYES is one of the reference sources of information of the VHL, coordinated by the BIREME/PAHO/WHO, together with the Health Policies and System Unit of the PAHO. The database operates in a network and is produced in cooperation with 38 legislation and health institutions of 14 countries of the Region. Leyes is heading towards solid consolidation
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VHL Highlights