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Latin American and Caribbean Center On Health Sciences Information
Pan American Health Organization | World Health Organization

VHL News Network

September 2006

Newsletter VHL 061 22/September/2006

ISSN 1809-6859

VHL and RIPSA Networks integrate sources of information

On September 6, 2006, a meeting was held at BIREME/PAHO/WHO, in Sao Paulo. It aimed to define the main lines of action for the development which will integrate the VHL and RIPSA networks: the VHL RIPSA. By providing bibliographic information to complement the indicators and core data for the understanding of the health conditions of the Brazilian population, with the support of documental bases and bibliographic references available at the VHL, the VHL RIPSA opens the possibility to share experiences and assist similar developments in cooperation with other Latin American and Caribbean countries. Professionals from the Ministry of Health, PAHO Representative Office in Brasilia and BIREME attended the meeting
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Nursing Journals adopt electronic publishing

From August 28 to September 1st, 2006, BIREME/PAHO/WHO held a capacity building program for editors of scientific technical journals on Nursing in Brazil, to develop an Electronic Journal Portal of the VHL Nursing aiming to increase its visibility and accessibility. The journals will be available in full text based on the SciELO methodology for electronic publishing, and will also include the statistics of usage and impact indexes available. This effort is within the context of the VHL Nursing, designed to contribute to the academic and care delivery development and to comprise a space for equitable access to information and knowledge on Nursing
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Opening of the VHL Station in the State of Tocantins

Approximately 60 people attended the opening of the VHL Station in Palmas, Tocantins, in September 19, 2006. During the ceremony, the local authorities highlighted the importance of this initiative to democratize access to information and thanked the opportunity of having a VHL Station in their home State. With this opening, the initiative headed by the Ministry of Health, together with the States Secretariats of Health and BIREME/PAHO/WHO, has already established VHL Stations in the Distrito Federal and 17 Brazilian States: Acre, Alagoas, Amazonas, Bahia, Ceará, Espírito Santo, Mato Grosso, Mato Grosso do Sul, Minas Gerais, Pará, Paraíba, Piauí, Rio Grande do Sul, Santa Catarina, São Paulo, Sergipe and Tocantins
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BIREME and Infomed promote an event on the use of Plone at the VHL

The modus operandi of the VHL is the production of sources of information (SIs) in a cooperative and decentralized fashion, involving networks of producers, intermediates and even users in Latin American and Caribbean countries. One of the main challenges faced by the decentralized development of the VHL is the constant improvement of mechanisms and technologies for cooperative production of these sources. Within this context, a seminar on the public domain system Plone was held at BIREME/PAHO/WHO, on September 11-15, 2006. The purpose was to use this system to manage SIs at the VHL and complement the ISIS platform. It was organized in collaboration with BIREME and Infomed, from Cuba, and attended by roughly 20 professionals of both institutions
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ISIS to preserve the memory of scenic arts in Uruguay

As part of the project to restore, preserve the memory of scenic arts and celebrate the 150th anniversary of the Teatro Solis, the City Administration of Montevideo established the Centro de Documentación, Investigación y Difusión de las Artes Escénicas (CIDDAE).In cooperation with PAHO, by its Representation in the country, and by BIREME/PAHO/WHO, the Center adopted the software ISIS to organize the documental historical files of the Theatre. The support given to projects to disseminate scientific and technical information in Latin America and the Caribbean, enabled the methodologies and technologies developed by the VHL, SciELO and ScienTI networks to be progressively available to support the management of sources and flows of information in the cultural field
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Network of Evidence on Health at the VHL is under development

The practice of Evidence-based Medicine intends to promote the integration of clinical experience to the best evidence available, considering safe interventions and ethics in the actions. Bearing in mind that access to information on good evidence is essential to subsidize decision-making processes in health, BIREME has promoted access to the Cochrane Library - at first (as from 2002), to healthcare professionals in Brazil. And, in the past four years, to all Latin American and Caribbean countries, with the support of the Brazilian Cochrane Center and the Iberian American Cochrane Center. As a result of this and of other experiences, BIREME carries on developing the portal on health evidence at the VHL, among other related efforts
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VHL Highlights



International Networks

Global Health Library (GHL/WHO)


Regional Networks


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